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  • Tree Surgery

  • Tree Surgery:
    Tarzan Boomverzorging & Touwsplitsen
    Ringdijk boven. Polder 23a
    1188 WC Amstelveen
    tel.: (0297) 582 994

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    Tarzan in English

    There isn't a job too small or too big for Tarzan!

    Tree surgery

    What can I do for u:
    Tarzan is an International Society of Arborists certified European tree worker. You can hire him for all kind of tree work. For example:
    • Prune and take away trees also at inaccessible places (Small gardens)
    • Investigate tree stability and safety
    • Tree advise
    • Treatment of sick trees
    • Forestry

    (for pictures see Tarzan's projecten)

    Wooden sculptures

    What can I do for u:
    Tarzan loves working with real wood. From logs he can make the most beautiful pieces of art and furniture:
    • Banks and sofa's
    • Chairs, and Tables
    • Wooden mushrooms
    • Wooden fountains
    • Water tankards
    • Abstract sculptures

    (for pictures see Boomstamkunst)

    Cutting planks from trees

    What can I do for you:
    Tarzan has a special lightweight frame. With this frame and one of Tarzan's chainsaws he can cut from tree logs girders and planks in every thickness you want. The machinery is lightweight witch makes it possible to use at inaccessible places (like back gardens and in the mountains).
    • Cutting planks from logs. Small and big logs into firewood size.
    • Cutting girders from logs.

    (for pictures see Planken zagen)

    Rope splicing

    What can I do for you:
    Tarzan is a certified rope splicer with more than 10 years of experience. A splice is a special knot in a rope to make a strong fixed loop in the end of a rope. I can splice all kinds of ropes and cables.
    • Climbing ropes (for Arborists)
    • Ropes used at boats and ships
    • Steel cables
    • Special knotting techniques
    • Rope solutions

    (for pictures see Touwsplitsen)

    Who is Tarzan

    Tarzan is owned by Frans van Vugt. His story;
    "I come from a sailor family. As a child I grew up with boats and Ropes. As a teenager I discovered nature, from that moment my dream was to become a forester. At 18 I could finally go to forestry school, there I found out about tree surgery. I did a special courses and I loved to work with individual trees as an arborist. since that moment I earned my money with tree surgery, a year after I was introduced in a company that sold arborist ropes. They asked me to become their rope splicer I could combine tree surgery and rope splicing well with my studies. I finished my forestry school in 1998.
    I liked to study, so I continued with a study land, water and environmental management, I had a traineeship in Australia where I made deep water wells. I graduated this study in 2000.
    Still wanting to gain more knowledge, I went to university to study International Land and Water Management. This study prepares us for development work. I specialized in drinking water and sanitation. In worked in Cambodia and for Doctors Without Borders (Médecins Sans Frontières). Ater my experience in the tropics, I decided that what I loved most is To continue Tree surgery work in Hollando. I started working full time for my tree surgery and rope splicing company. After a while I also discovered what beautiful things I could make with the wood of the trees. I started making sculpture and little furniture. This woud sculptures now has grown to an adult part of my company."
    • Likes to have happy trees and happy custumers.
    • Is friendly and caring
    • Always does what he promises
    • Is not a "suit" person

    (for pictures see Wie is Tarzan)

    Humans, trees, nature and environment

    Tarzan loves the world he lives on. He loves the people, the trees, the animals and all other creatures living on this planet. To protect these lives Tarzan takes good care of our environment. With everything Tarzan does he thinks of the environment and tries really hard to hurt it as little as possible all creatures living on it.
    The environment and Tarzan:
    • No waste of energy
    • Uses the most environmental friendly fuels and oils
    • No unnecessary traveling
    • Likes to protect and keep trees
    • Can advise you to get more wildlife in your garden

    (for pictures see Mens, boom natuur en milieu)

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